Flower Bouquet

Flower Bouquet


A bouquet made with our curated selection of fresh flowers.

  • 4 to 5 different types of fresh flowers

  • Images are for illustration only. Each bouquet we create is unique and seasonal flowers will be used.

  • Deliveries in the city of Lisbon

This item is made to order. Please allow 2 business days for delivery. Next-day deliveries are available upon request and will be confirmed or not by email.

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CD0F1F20-790E-43B8-8096-77FEF5AFFCB8.JPEG 96A2C33E-A152-41F5-973F-5F00436758C0.JPEG

Subscription - Floral arrangements

from €140.00
Small Dry Flower Arrangement 4BEEBC46-0D7F-4BB2-82BB-42D0C9718C17.JPEG

Small Dry Flower Arrangement


Christmas Wreath

from €60.00
Medium Fresh Flower Arrangement 4B4BF46D-1A4E-4D8A-8332-6083E1631DB0.JPG

Medium Fresh Flower Arrangement

Large Dry Flower Arrangement 750B8AED-50BB-4DAA-A9EA-5FC42EB2B319 2.JPEG

Large Dry Flower Arrangement
